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Central America Changes


The following rate increases will become effective on June 1, 2007. The changes will effect only cargo moving to/from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua.

Offshore Energy Charge – Effective June 1, 2007

Following the third (3rd) calendar day after vessel completes discharge on Southbound shipments and the third (3rd) calendar day after receipt of cargo by Carrier on Northbound shipments, the Carrier will assess an Energy Charge of $75.00 per day when the Carrier is required to maintain operating reefers in their terminal facilities. This charge is billed locally in each country.

U.S. Energy Charge – Effective June 1, 2007

Following the third (3rd) working day after vessel completes discharge on Northbound shipments and the third (3rd) working day after receipt of cargo by Carrier on Southbound shipments, the Carrier will assess an Energy Charge of $75.00 per day when the Carrier is required to maintain operating reefers in their terminal facilities. This charge is billed locally in each country.

FreeTime- Effective June 1, 2007

Tariff Free Time for Apparel: Southbound : 12 calendar days — all Countries. Northbound: 7 Calendar Days — all Countries.

Tariff Free Time – Other than Apparel (Dry): Southbound : 9 calendar days — Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua.

Tariff Free Time – Reefer: Nicaragua and El Salvador Southbound : 5 calendar days

Tariff Free Time – United States. Reefers: Northbound : 5 calendar days

Multiple Bills of Lading for cargo moving into HN, GT, NI, SV – Effective June 1, 2007

Beginning June 1st, we will accept a maximum of 5 containers per bill of lading for shipments moving into Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. Any additional equipment moving on the same vessel will need to be placed on a separate bill of lading.

Honduran Inland Table – Effective May 25, 2007

Due to increased trucking costs in Honduras, many of our Honduran inlands have increased. Please check with your local office for further information.

Vehicles moving Southbound out of Gulfport, MS – Effective June 1, 2007

Effective June 1st, vehicles moving through Gulfport will be charged $600 per vehicle.

For vehicles in containers through Gulfport, the rate will be $1200 per container into Nicaragua and El Salvador.