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Charting a New Course with eWolf

Discover Our Lower Emissions Future

Charting a New Course with eWolf


Crowley is the first to introduce
an all-electric powered harbor
tugboat in the U.S.


With the power to get the
job done


While minimizing fuel consumption without sacrificing reliability or performance

By the Numbers

In the first 10 years of its use, the eWolf—the first of
more sister tugboats under development by Crowley—
will reduce 178 tons of nitrogen oxide (NO x), 2.5 tons of
diesel particulate matter, and 3,100 metric tons of
carbon dioxide (CO2) versus a conventional tug.

A look at the first U.S. eTug, from render to reality

Partnerships Built to Last

A proven partner in innovating toward a sustainable future alongside the nation’s ports and
governmental entities. A reliable provider of modern solutions that exceed customer expectations.

We are proud to work with Crowley and couldn’t be more pleased the eWolf will operate exclusively
on San Diego Bay

Chairman Michael Zucchet of the Port of San Diego Board of Port Commissioners

Current Partners

Leading the Pack with eWolf

A zero-emissions design brought to life by Crowley in 3D

In the News