Digital Solutions
New technologies can change how we interact with and see the world, but exploring new technologies requires diving headfirst into the unknown. Crowley Engineering Services is doing so by actively pursuing projects in marine data analysis, vessel automation, remote monitoring, and vessel diagnostics.
Marine Data Collection, Analysis, & Commercialization
Data collection and analysis are becoming increasingly necessary to improve the function of technologies, and the maritime industry is no exception to that need. Crowley Engineering Services will work with you to analyze and determine the best way forward for your project using marine data captured in real time so you can bravely advance what’s possible for people and the planet.
Remote Monitoring/Vessel Diagnostics Troubleshooting with Machine Learning
If something goes wrong on board, you want to know what happened, how it happened, how to fix it, and how to prevent it from happening again. Machine learning can shorten those four steps into one – quickly. Crowley Engineering Services is actively pursuing remote monitoring and vessel diagnostics projects