Working With Crowley

Vendors, Suppliers, and Customers
Working With Crowley
We know our vendors, carriers and other suppliers are partners in success with us as we respond to the operating challenges associated with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). In these times, we want to work with our partners to provide information and resources to help us all succeed.
To better work with you, here are some helpful resources and answers to frequently asked questions for business continuity and support.
Additionally, essential information on Crowley vendor policies and practices is available here from our Procurement Department. This includes insurance requirements, invoicing procedures and our code of conduct for vendors and contractors.
Frequently Asked Questions
While many communities have issued shelter in place or “safer at home” orders, supply chain industries are largely exempt. If your company is a vendor or contractor to Crowley, please use this clearance letter if you are questioned by government officials about providing goods and services to our company. This letter provides authority to carry out work.
Download: Crowley Vendor Clearance Letter
If financial resources and guidance are needed, the U.S. Small Business Administration has developed programs, loans and guidance to assist you.
It is the policy of Crowley Maritime Corporation to assure methods that allow fair and equitable opportunity to SB, SDB, VOSB, SD-VOSB, HUBZone and WOSB business firms for contracted service opportunities with Crowley.
We have provided instructions and guidance for doing business with Crowley here: LINK TO SMALL BUSINESS PAGE
Crowley follows all Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations, including social distancing, remote work unless required to be onsite, and restricted travel and in-person meetings.
For our carrier partners, we have updated guidance on safety and health precautions you should take. Please review this guidance issued by our land transportation group.
Vendors and contractors working on Crowley’s behalf must complete a pre-screening questionnaire prior to receiving approval to enter Crowley facilities or vessels.
Please download the Pre-Screening Questionnaire Notice and complete this Contractor COVID Pre-Screening Questionnaire.
If you have questions or suggestions about serving as a supplier or a vendor, please contact our Procurement Department at
Carriers and/or truck drivers with questions about working for our commercial transportation and supply chain group should contact or call (904) 727-2599.
Carriers and/or truck drivers with questions about working with our government transportation and supply chain group should contact or call (904) 727-1900.